January 09, 2013

let's try this again

Well ....

If I thought October was busy ... I was nowhere near prepared for November ... and by the time December rolled around, I pretty much clocked out ... and the fact I was working three jobs didn't help with my "down" time.  But, I'm back to one job ... one husband ... one dog ... one house ... and life seems totally doable again!

A quick recap - 

* I managed to snag me a new job! At my old job! Back working with Parks and Trails. Granted, it's only for a year (and I'm not holding my breath that'll it'll actually stretch out longer) but it's a job and it's something new and ... get this ... I like it!  ATVs and OHMs and Websites and .... more to come.

* I managed to keep working at Gopher for another month.  There was at least one day where I did a 7am to 4pm shift at Parks and Trails, a 4:30pm to 6:30pm shift at The Hou and 6:45pm to 10pm at Gopher. I'm pretty sure I actually ate dinner that night, though I can't say I remember what it was ... So yes, it was time to start weaning off some of those jobs.

* Got crazy sick ... twice. I went home early ... on my first day of work at the new job. Not one of my finer moments. Over Christmas, Pa Plank managed to get all of us sick with some crazy "acid-stomach-shooting-out-of-everywhere" disease ... I lost six pounds in two days.

* I turned 28 ... gross ... but had a kickass "treat-yo-self" weekend in La Crosse with Han.

* Did the whole "civic duty" thing and got involved with shizz ... Went to my first city forum and actually talked ... six times ... I made some friends and (I'm guessing) a wee bit more enemies.

* Created some, if I do say so, excellent goals/resolutions/dreams/hopes for 2013. I don't like odd numbers, so I'm a wee bit wary of this year ... but we'll give it a shot. Next - gotta get those goals down on paper for the public and actually stick to them!

Here's how I survived November 2012
And when, Google Calendar, am I supposed to get a wink of sleep in??

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